The first of the joint stock banks to become established in Doncaster was the Yorkshire District Banking Co. which opened a branch in the Magdalens on 22 November 1834. In February 1836 it removed to the premises of Mr Wright, druggist, at 3 High Street. By the end of its second year in existence the Yorkshire District Banking Co. was paying an 8% dividend and had branches in 20 of the principal towns of the county. The bank
got into difficulty through mis-management but was successfuly re-organised as the Yorkshire Banking Co.
Barclays Bank on High Street is a fine Victorian building, listed Grade2. When constructed in 1885 it contained decorative roundels on its timber doors and on the stonework below the front windows. Over the years some of the roundels in the stonework and one set of doors have been lost due to the need for ATMs. More recently some of the damage has been repaired with one of the stone roundels being reinstated. In the latest application they proposed to remove the ATM lobby and reinstate the heavy timber doors complete with their 4 decorative roundels.